Solitaire Engagement Rings: A Perfect Guide

A classic bride's first choice of engagement ring is a solitaire setting ring. This is indeed a classic style of ring that has never lost charm since its inception. It is also amongst the bestsellers for wedding rings and bands in Illinois . It is a traditional engagement ring design that has only one highlight “the center Diamond” which works just right. Solitaire rings easily beat styles that are currently on the trend board despite being simple and minimalistic. What Does A Solitaire Ring Consist Of? It is a ring that only consists of one diamond which is placed in the center of the band. No extra gemstones or diamonds are attached to any part of the ring. The band of the ring is always plain and has no pave band or semi-pave band. The design of the ring is so charming that people automatically think of it to be a classic. This is a very old design dating back to Roman times when uncut and raw jewelry was in trend. Things To Consider In A Solitaire Ring I...